Handcrafted home decor items made with real flowers, plants and peppers.

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You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy plants!

It started small… a couple of raised beds with some tomatoes and peppers. Then it grew to a full vegetable garden with 20+ rows of deliciousness!

And then… well then, the flowers were added. The flowers are a whole different level of fun. One more garden over here. One more over there. It grew and grew.

I have fallen in love with gardening. I am a crafter at heart as well, and am always finding new projects to try out. I found a way to combine these two hobbies of mine, and I love the results so much!

After growing and appreciating these flowers and peppers in my gardens, I then dry the plants and preserve them in resin using various home decor items.

Here you’ll find everything from tables to centerpieces, wall hangings and trinket dishes. And as a homeschooling mom, I decided to also create nature inspired craft kits. These are great for kids and adults!

You can also find me at a variety of workshops. I love inspiring other people to start creating!